Weekly Update: Week 10
I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and was able to take a moment to remember and give thanks to our veterans. I also hope you were able to stay warm! It takes some getting used to the colder weather but I really enjoy how clear the landscape gets during this time of year. It is like a clean palette and all I can think about is what little nature play area we can create next!
We have really been giving daily thanks around here. We have decorated and written in over 30 thank you cards for restaurants, stores, organizations, groups, people and programs in our community. We have a goal of making and sending out 50! Some cards we worked on today were for Jocelyn our art teacher, the police department, Josh, my husband who makes us everything cool at school as well as many other things, and Rosaly's Farm Stand. We ask the children what they want to thank each place or person for, and they give great examples about things they love about the place/person. I heard that a student gave a huge thank you to the automatic doors at Shaws the other day and I did feel proud that she has been listening and practicing. I am hoping if it has not been the norm before that you children are using "thank you" at home or in public a lot more. I have witnessed my children really acknowledge when a stranger gives them a compliment and tell them thank you. As all of your children know, not much gets done around here unless manners are used, especially please and thank you! Helping your children practice and learn manners is one of the biggest gifts you can give them. We really do always expect them to say please when they need or want something, and you know what, they do!
I was able to attend two events this week that shared some great information. The first was the movie Resilience. It is a documentary about the belief that ACE's or adverse childhood experiences can be linked to destructive behavior and medical disease. This is the belief that stress and anxiety from problems as home or in the community can be the cause of many health problems. As with most of these experiences, I felt very hopeful about what we do here at RN and more importantly about the loving homes and families that the children come from. The importance of a stable, caring, adult for a child is huge. I was also hopeful to hear about some districts NH using the ACE score in pediatric doctor's offices and schools to help address things going on in the home that may effect the child's behavior or health. We have a long way to go, but being informed is a good first step.
The other professional development I went to was a class on children's songs and movement. I grew up singing at my school daily and it has been huge part of Robin's Nests daily life, but I always struggle to think of all the songs I know if I don't keep a list. One of the jobs here is song selector, so we are going to create song titles of everything we know and the selector will get to pick one out of the basket each day. I learned a lot of sweet rhymes and games, and we also talked about the worry that children are not getting sung to or given the chance to mimic anymore because everything is digital and electronic. When you sign with children we discovered that you are working on social skills, leading/following, supporting others, practicing respect for yourself/ others, taking turns, self control, self expression and having fun. Singing and doing movement games and finger plays supports concept development, auditory, visual and sensory processing, cognitive dev., teaches about your world, practices anticipation and uses imagination! All these things are being developed by simply singing to or with a child. We have noticed the process they take when we teach new songs and movements. They can not do both at once right away so we are going to work in steps in the future. I do have to say we have a much quieter group this year, and it seems many prefer than listen than sing, but we are getting better! Music is a universal language that makes us happy! Please keep singing to your children!
I find myself reading articles, studies and going to discussions quite often that I just can't wait to share with you. If anyone comes across anything you think I will find interesting please send along. We also enjoy learning!
SOUP: Donations of leeks, white potatoes, garlic, celery, gladly accepted! Our new wood stove gate is up and it came fully assembled and fit just right. Thank you!!
CLOTHING: Please start packing snow pants if you have not already. We are making sure children have two layers of pants on when outside in this colder weather and it makes a difference. Lots of layers, a jacket, hat and mittens are a must too!
- Wednesday 11/15: Art
- Thursday 11/16: Harris Center Chipmunks
- Tuesday 11/21: Art
- Wednesday 11/22- Friday 11/24: No School
- Saturday 11/25: Broke Arts Fair at the Peterborough Town Hall
Each year we have a pot luck brunch and holiday concert for you! We are hoping to do it Wednesday 12/20 but we are still looking for a place large enough. I am waiting to hear from the old Monadnock Country Club and if anyone knows anyone who is a mason, maybe we could use the building down the street? The Hancock Depot was a little too small last year so we need something pretty big! It will run from 8:30 to 10ish!
Each year we do a bake sale/ craft sale for a local nature group and this year we chose NH Audubon. Where would Robin's Nest be if it weren't for birds? I am not sure! They are our most favorite animal around here and we are so thankful for the Browns who teach us. We honor Phil Brown and his coworkers this year!! Julie and Phil were also on NPR last week talking about hawk migration. Please listen if you get the chance!